"Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary...
Raja Idzwan & Intan Suzana"
Happy 6th Anniversary Sayang....07.12.2008
I will always love you...
Next year maybe...??? InsyaAllah
"It takes two special people,
To make a loving pair...
To make a loving pair...
There’s a joy just being around you,
A feeling I/we love to share.
So best anniversary wishes to you,
A feeling I/we love to share.
So best anniversary wishes to you,
Bringing years of joy and fun....
May each year keep getting better,
I/we hope the good times have just begun............"
Sedar tak sedar sudah 6 tahun kita hidup bersama, pelbagai pancaroba kita redah & berjaya harungi bersama, harapan semoga kenangan manis ini baru saja bermula...
Hari ni mama rasa gembira & bahagia...melihat kalian 3 zuriat kami membesar di depan mata...terharu sesangat. Bila mama terkenang memori 10 tahun yang lalu, rasa tak sangka & tak percaya apa yang mama lalui hari ini. My dreams come true!!!
Sayang, terima kasih atas segala2nya, I really appreaciate what you have done to me n our family. You're such a Great Husband & Father...hope will last forever!!! InsyaAllah.
Kemuncak kepada keraian ni, Malam tadi, ayah invite Uncle Iqbal & Auntie Geeda dinner bersama di Meru Kopitiam...restoran kepunyaan Uncle Kamarul kawan lama kami...hujan renyai2, Irfan pulak buat 'perangai', Dynas pun dah ngantuk....at around 11.30mlm kami bersurai. Ayah terus bawa kita keluar jalan2 makan angin...ronda2 ipoh. Erk...tapi mama dah ngantuk la sayang...Ayah sempat beli DVD cerita "Meet the Parents" n "Meet the Fockers" (hai B, teringat balik zaman masa jumpa bakal bapa mertua ke...hehehe :)) dari kedai DVD kat blkg Jusco kami terus balik rumah....
"Remember the first flush of love that drew you powerfully together?
It still feeds the unassailable bondthat makes your marriage so secure.
Remember all the qualites about each otheryou found so endearing?
Remember all the qualites about each otheryou found so endearing?
They are still there,and new ones create sweet surprises.
Remember thinking that this lovewould last forever?
Your love has strengthened and growninto eternal affection and admiration.
Years from now, you'll look backat this anniversaryand realize you love each othermore than ever..."
Happy 6th Anniversary!
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